
ssr-110 Naal Stayn : Doubts

Naal Stayn : Doubts is an album released on august, 21st 2011. It covers the whole "Faith" album by The Cure, but within destructured, free & far away versions so that you can't recognize the original score. Photographs and design by Naal Stayn.


Naal Stayn : The drowning man [The Cure destructured cover]

ssr-109 'Sisterly Wanking : By Ideal Circumstances'

'Sisterly Wanking : By Ideal Circumstances' is the third & final EP by 'Sisterly Wanking. I based the design & artwork (of both mini CD & C15 tape) from a vintage advert of an handy kitchen-robot sent to me by the band. It will come out tomorrow on Self-Sufficient Records.

Album available at http://sisterlywanking.bandcamp.com !